January 24, 2012 – Contact: Administration (714) 229-6680
SUBJECT: Cypress Mayor Dr. Prakash Narain Delivers 2013 State of the City Address
(Pictured from Left: Mayor Dr. Narain & Mr. Mark Norton, Los Altos Trophy (SPIRIT Award Winner)
Cypress Mayor Dr. Prakash Narain delivered his State of the City address on
Wednesday, January 24, 2013 at the Cypress Community Center. In attendance were
over 300 community members, dignitaries, and business leaders.
“During the six years as a Council Member and Mayor serving the citizens and
businesses in Cypress, I have developed a greater appreciation of local government,
“said Mayor Narain. “I feel it is local government where accomplishments are made.
Our City is a shining example of effective local control. And this is evidenced by our well-maintained infrastructure, great recreational facilities, and outstanding public safety services,” he continued.
“I am proud to report that the City of Cypress continued its path of successful and
prudent financial management. The City’s goal is to leave a debt free legacy to future
City Councils and residents,” the Mayor added.
According to the Mayor, in 2013 the City will work diligently towards the goal of
bringing more quality commercial, retail, and dining options to the City, and also building
on current successes by improving municipal services, beautifying neighborhoods, and
enhancing City infrastructure. The City’s goal is to increase its regional influence in
business, employment, and cultural activities, and continue efforts to become a
shopping and dining destination, as well as a leader in cultural arts.
Three businesses were honored during the event with the Annual BRACE,
AGENT, and SPIRIT Program Awards. The recipient of the BRACE Program Award
was FujiFilm Holdings America Corporation. In attendance to receive the award on the
company’s behalf was Human Resources Manager Jean Berrien.
FujiFilm has been a long-term member of the Cypress business community. The
company serves a broad spectrum of industries in the U.S. including medical and life
sciences, electronic, chemical, graphic arts, information systems, motion picture,
broadcast and photography.
“The City of Cypress is honored to have FUJIFILM Holdings America Corporation
as an integral member of our business community, and I am delighted to present this
award to them today,” said Mayor Narain.
The AGENT Program Award honor went to Crest Steel Corporation. Crest
Steel’s President and COO, Mr. Kris Farris was in attendance to receive the award. Crest Steel is one of the Southwest’s leading steel distributors. As part of the $50 billion steel service center industry, Crest Steel supplies the full spectrum of steel
products. The company’s clients include construction contractors, structural steel
fabricators and manufacturers, as well as new and evolving industries such as solar and
alternative energy.
Mayor Narain recognized and thanked Crest Steel Corporation for their “support
and commitment to the Cypress community.”
The recipient of the SPIRIT Program Award was Los Altos Trophy. Vice
President, Mr. Mark Norton accepted the award on the company’s behalf.
Los Altos Trophy is one of the largest awards manufacturers on the west coast.
The company was established in 1958 by Beverly & Murray Gittleman, and today is still
family owned and operated, with 3 generations involved in the business.
In 2007, the company merged with California Marketing Group, with the latter
serving as their retail division. For over 40 years, Los Altos Trophy has been crafting
high quality awards and trophies. The company’s expertise has helped create custom
awards for a variety of sports including baseball, basketball, football, soccer, and
Mayor Narain recognized and thanked Los Altos Trophy for being a part of the
Cypress business community, and jokingly noted that Los Altos Trophy and Vice
President Norton have the distinction of being the only award winner to make their own
trophy. “Who else would we entrust to create such quality mementos?’ asked the
BRACE is the City’s “Business Retention, Attraction, Creation & Expansion”
Program, a forum for the larger business leaders to come together to network and share
ideas through quarterly forums. The AGENT program, or “Assist, Grow, Educate, Network & Thrive” is similar to the BRACE Program but geared towards mid-size businesses. The SPIRIT program, or “Sole Proprietorship – Identify, Realize, Inspire &
Transform” is a program designed to assist small businesses, sole proprietors, and
home-based business thrive by partnering with agencies such as the Small Business
Administration and the Board of Equalization to provide quality informational workshop
and referral services to help them succeed.
For more information regarding the City of Cypress, the BRACE, AGENT, and
SPIRIT programs, other City services for the business community, or for information on
how to relocate your business to the City of Cypress, please contact Redevelopment
Project Manager Steve Clarke at (714) 229-6728.